Zirconia Parts for Battery



With the diversification and increased speed of industrial machinery, demand for wear-resistant parts is growing rapidly.

We offer advanced ceramic materials to make high performance tooling for the production of zinc carbon dry cells and alkali batteries, including mixer units, extruders, liners, nozzles, ram tips, sweeper blades, dies and punches.

The parts are made using Yttria Stabilized Zirconia, an advanced ceramic material that is strong, tough and highly resistant to the corrosive battery mix. It is a good choice because it is a consistent, reliable material (Weibull Modulus > 30) with a low coefficient of friction. Abrasive materials have minimal effect on its surface.

As a result of these material characteristics, battery production tooling parts made with Zirconia last longer than those made of conventional materials such as stellite or other metal alloys. Manufacturers benefit from longer production runs, improved yields and better quality production.


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